Friday, July 8, 2011


There are about 150 pictures in this album of the mural class.

It has been great meeting, getting to know, and working with you all.
See you at the dedication if not sooner.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Early stages

Sam making toxic drips.

Final pencil drawing.

Sam and Wendy priming the panels.

Linda Ferguson visits our class

at the learning garden.

percolation test next to the mural site.

walking around near Outfall A

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Alexis Rockman

Mural Work Hours

Friday, July 1st, 3-6pm:
Wendy, Lavonne, Sam

Tuesday, July 5th, 11am-2pm:
Michael, Paul, (empty)

Tuesday, July 5th, 2pm-5pm:
Isaac, Sahar, Ian

Wednesday, July 6th, 3-6pm:
Isaac, Sahar, Wendy

Wednesday, July 6th, 6-9pm:
Alexa, Ian, (empty)

Thursday, July 7th, 3-6pm:
Lavonne, Allison, Sam

Thursday, July 7th, 6-9pm:
Alexa, Allison, Michael

Saturday, July 16th, 9am-12pm:
Megan, Genny, (empty)

Saturday, July 16th, 12pm-3pm:
Megan, Genny, Paul

Monday, June 27, 2011

Hey guys,
This is a drawing I did a couple months ago, but I thought about when I was checking out that Joshua Keys website. It would be hard to work something like that in and have it make much sense. Possibly some pretend mythology? Get all mythological on this shit?

Rabbits investigating a coyote skeleton

I liked the irony of the hunted carelessly checking out the dead hunter. It would be cool to make them the invasive rabbit species.

Hey everyone,
I had an idea to do an arm growing a car like a tree. I was thinking having really stylized leaves, maybe see through or silhouetted. If that's too off topic maybe just actual trees growing through cars.

Joshua Keyes

Hey everybody. Here is that artist I mentioned whose work we could use to inspire some ideas since his themes are similar to ideas we discussed on Friday

Friday, June 24, 2011

Wildlife Brochure for the Tualatin River Nat'l Wildlife Refuge:
courtesy of Michael from the Bears

Thursday, June 23, 2011

'Homework' recap

1. What lives here (relevant to your group)?
2. What's native / non-native / invasive?
3. How does stormwater runoff impact these things?
4. Choose 5 things from your list and get 3 images of each. Print them out or photocopy.
5. From this list (of 5) pick one thing to draw from photo or life. Make two more drawings (these can be sketchy) that abstract this in some way.
6. Returning to your 5 things, list 5-10 adjectives that describe each one (in your own language or from found sources).

Links for plant groups plus bugs...
This lists some of the native plants in this area...

Bug Fest 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011
11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Bugs that Bug us: Mosquitos, Wasps, and Flies
Buzz on into Bug Fest where there are exciting opportunities to learn about bugs of all shapes and sizes. Activities and educational displays at this year’s event will highlight bugs that drive humans buggy. Discover how mosquitos, wasps, and flies contribute to the ecosystem and ways that humans and bugs can get along. Bring a bug to be identified by an expert!
It's the eleventh year of Bug Fest, and this year we are going to push creepieness levels to the limit. Keep checking the Bug Fest webpage or "like" our Facebook page to keep up-to-date on what's planned f2or this year's event.

Fanno Creek

I think this might be helpful.
Good old Wikipedia...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Link to pictures

Here is an album on my Facebook page with the pictures I took today.
I don't know how to do that here, or even if you can.
I can remove any picture you don't want up... just let me know.

PCC Climate Action Plan

This is the major overarching plan for the greening of PCC, of which the parking lot makeover is one component. It's really, really long.
link to big PDF file- fair warning

Watershed Mural 1st day links

Hi folks.

Let's use this blog to share our research, documentation, and ideas about the project.
Here are two nonprofits that monitor and restore the Tualatin River Watershed:
Tualatin Riverkeepers
Tualatin River Watershed Council
who have this wild flash animation to share as well: